Sir Grange Lawn Care

How to install and maintain your Sir Grange

Sir Grange is a fine bladed Zoysia grass that has been selectively bred for it striking appearance and adaptability to differing climates, as well as reduced need for additional nutrients.

Sir Grange is a very low maintenance grass when it is established and requires half the mowing of traditional warm season grasses. To successfully maintain a Sir Grange lawn, there are a few key points that should be understood in order to get the best out of this premium turf grass.


Sir Grange is a very densely matted grass with exceptional tensile strength and extensive rhizome and root growth beneath the grasses surface;

Important points for Sir Grange installation:

  • Install the grass immediately after delivery/pick up as it will easily dry out, and there is also the risk that it may heat up resulting in burn on the leaves inside the rolls.
  • Lay on a bed of 100-200 mm of quality organic turf underlay.  100 mm is the minimum required.
  • Use Lawn Solutions Australia Lawn Launcher at label rates to give the grass a head start and retain moisture in the new soil bed
  • Roll to compact new turf to improve contact with the soil
  • Soak the newly laid turf thoroughly for at least 45 mins to 1 hour each day for the first 4-5 weeks.  This is crucial for Sir Grange establishment.
  • Reduce irrigation once established and water only when the grass appears to be dry
  • Minimise irrigation in the cooler months to avoid your lawn getting water logged
  • Establishment between May and September can be challenging, please discuss installation timing with us


Sir Grange has been selectively bred to require much less nutrient inputs than traditional warm season grasses. Sir Grange needs approximately ⅓ of the fertiliser used on traditional lawns.

Important points for fertilising Sir Grange:

  • Apply Slow Release fertiliser at a rate of 10g/m2 or 1kg/100m2
  • Fertilise between early spring and mid to late summer if required
  • It is not recommended to fertilise in autumn, wait until spring to reapply if needed
  • Liquid Iron, natural colourants and micronutrients can be used to improve colour without the use of Nitrogen based fertilisers in autumn and winter

Weed and Pest Control

Sir Grange has naturally occurring allelopathic characteristics. Allelopathy is a biological phenomenon where one plant inhibits the growth of another through the release of natural chemicals. Because of this trait, growth of weeds and other unwanted turf species in your Sir Grange lawn will be inhibited to a certain extent, but there will be times when weed control will be necessary.

Most commercially available chemical weed and pest control products can be used on Sir Grange, but it is always best to read the label and check with your Lawn Solutions Australia grower for recommended products before any application.


Sir Grange is a drought hardy grass that can survive through harsh drought conditions and will recover one water is reapplied.  Important points for irrigation of Sir Grange:

  • If watering is necessary once established, water only when there are signs of the grass drying out, e.g. wilted leaves
  • Do not over water in the cooler winter months
  • If irrigation is needed, water deeply to the top 200mm of sand base for 20 – 30 minutes every second day until the leaf appears healthy
  • Water early morning for improved efficiency and plant health


Sir Grange was originally bred for the golf market and can be maintained between 18mm and 40mm and holds a beautiful appearance at all levels. The Sir Grange leaf blade has a high silicone content making it very strong, this, along with its dense vertical growth gives Sir Grange superior surface strength and appearance.

Important points for mowing Sir Grange:

  • Ensure that mower blades are sharp to prevent tearing of the leaf
  • Never remove more than 1/3 of the leaf blade at any one time unless dethatching
  • Dethatch in late winter just before the grass comes out of dormancy for best results
  • Remove clippings each mow to prevent thatch build up

Shady Areas

Sir Grange can survive in low amounts of sunlight where other grass varieties would fail. This shade tolerance is a naturally occurring trait in zoysia grasses that has been emphasised through selective cross breeding in developing Sir Grange.

Important points on shady areas:

  • Sir Grange can survive in areas of 40% sunlight
  • Be careful not to over water any shady areas
  • Reduce traffic on lawn in heavily shaded areas where possible
  • Ensure there is at least 200mm of sand under the turf when laid, and trim all gardens and trees right back, so they are not overhanging the lawn area during the establishment period

For further advice on Sir Grange and general lawn care tips, please contact us at AGTurf on 02 4934 1000